PhD position to investigate electronic transport in metal-organic nanowires using scanning probe microscopy (W/M)

We are looking for highly motivated candidates with a Master’s degree in physics, chemistry nanoscience, materials science or a related field. Experience with some of the following domains are of advantage but not required: scanning probe microscopy, electronic transport measurements, surface science, ultra-high vacuum, building of prototype devices, programming. You are curious with a selfdrive towards new knowledge, enjoy working in a team and pay attention to details. A good command of both spoken and written English is essential.

We offer a fully funded, 4-year PhD position, excellent research infrastructures and resources, in particular a state-of-the-art low-temperature STM/nc-AFM system dedicated to the project. EPFL and PSI are an excellent research institute and a renowned university, respectively, offering a stimulating international research environment, a competitive salary and an ideal starting point for a scientific career.

The spirit of our open-minded, small, interdisciplinary and dynamic team offers flexibility and the possibility to generate and test your own ideas. Join us, play with atoms and
molecules and unravel nature’s secrets at the nanoscale.

For further information about this lab and project, please consult Dr. Christian
Wäckerlin (

Please apply follwing the instructions in the original job-offer: PhD position to investigate electronic transport in metal-organic nanowires using scanning probe microscopy (W/M) ‒ Working ‐ EPFL

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Praktika @Sensirion

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Praktika @Sensirion

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Master thesis / internship (2021-2022): quantitative biology of non-growing bacteria.

Although bacteria in the wild likely spend the majority of their time in non-growing states, relatively little is known about cell physiology and gene expression in such states, especially at the single-cell level. For instance, it is not known whether constant population size during stationary phase corresponds to the fact that all cells stopped growing and dividing, or to a balance between slow growth and mortality. It has also been reported that constitutive genes remain expressed at low level in such conditions, but it is not clear yet how this production is balanced so that protein concentration appears to be stable.