Ausschreibung Masterarbeit: «3D printed axonal guidance for human stem cell-derived neuronal culture»

We are looking for a student interested in microfabrication and 3D-printing for
neuroscience applications to join our team on a collaborative project aimed at developing
novel microfluidic axonal guidance devices for the modeling of Parkinson’s disease. This
highly interdisciplinary project is led by Kirkeby group (reNEW, University of Copenhagen)
in collaboration with groups of Jenny Emnéus (DTU Bioengineering) and Stephan Keller
(DTU Nanolab). The work will be focused on further advancement and optimization of 3D-
printed soft lithography method our team developed for the fabrication of
compartmentalized axonal guidance devices. This includes creating novel device designs,
optimization of silicone ink rheology, and scaling up device fabrication towards high-
throughput formats. The student will work closely with other members of our team on
optimizing culturing conditions of human stem cell-derived dopaminergic neurons,
astrocytes, and microglia in 3D-printed devices.