Master Thesis Proposal

Effect of bending-related phenomena on the spectrum profile of the fundamental mode in an optical fiber


In minimally invasive surgeries, it is often required to use non-rigid instruments in order to maximize accessible regions. However, the main drawback of using flexible tools is the higher risk of damaging non- target tissues as there is uncertainty about their shape. Consequently, an accurate tracking system is needed. Shape sensors based on Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) are suitable for this task, because they are small, biocompatible, immune to electromagnetic interference, and require no line of sight.

One of the most recent types of these sensors is based on edge-FBGs, where the Bragg gratings are inscribed on the edge of the core in a single-mode optical fiber using point-by-point femtosecond laser technology. The amplitude ratio of the edge-FBGs is sensitive not only to external perturbations but also to the spectral change of the propagated mode inside the fiber. Therefore, the main challenge is to estimate and correct the effect of spectral instability on the performance of these sensors. […]

AFM and/or single molecule spectroscopy scientist (50% position) @  Bio-Inspired Materials

All open positions:

AFM and/or single molecule spectroscopy scientist (50% position)


The National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) Bio-Inspired Materials is an internationally recognized hub for paradigm-shifting research, innovation, and education in the domain of “smart” materials whose function and design are inspired by Nature. Transcending traditional disciplines, the Center integrates the research activities of twenty-one research groups from the University of Fribourg’s Adolphe Merkle Institute, its departments of chemistry, medicine, and physics, and partners at the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology in Zurich and Lausanne. To complete the Center’s Instruments Platform team, we are searching for an AFM and/or single molecule spectroscopy scientist (50% position). […]

SNI INSight Dezember 2019­

pdf Version (Deutsch)pdf version (English)

Deutsche Version

  • Editorial (Text)
  • Innen isolierend, aussen leitend – Topologische Isolatoren sind am SNI ein wichtiges Thema (Text)
  • Finanzierung gesichert und Produkt vorgestellt – Positives Jahresende bei Qnami (Text)
  • Herzlichen Glückwunsch den Gewinnern des Nano Image Awards (Text)
  • Informieren und Netzwerken (Text)
  • Interessierte Doktoranden (Text)
  • Neue Wege in der Lithographie (Text)
  • Ein Abend rund um Nanotechnologie (Text)
  • Ein Grund zum Feiern (Text)
  • Forschungsthemen zwischen Rüebli (Text)
  • Aktionen mit engagierten Kids (Text)
  • Neuigkeiten aus dem Netzwerk (Text)
  • Ankündigungen (Text)

English version

  • Editorial (text)
  • Insulator on the inside, conductor on the outside – Topological insulators are a key topic at the SNI (text)
  • Funding secured and product presented – A positive end to the year for Qnami (text)
  • Congratulations to the winners of the Nano Image Award (text)
  • Information and networking (text)
  • Doctoral students – the company founders of tomorrow? (text)
  • New approaches to lithography (text)
  • An evening all about nanotechnology (text)
  • Cause for celebration (text)
  • Research topics between carrot stalls (text)
  • Activities for children with a keen interest (text)
  • News from the network (text)
  • Announcements (text)

© Swiss Nanoscience Institute – eine Initiative der Universität Basel und des Kantons Aargau

Ausschreibung Masterarbeit: Nano-structuring of dielectric sensors for tongue- machine interfaces as Anti-snore trainer

Adequate sleep is a key part of healthy lifestyle and essential for your mind’s fitness. Every second person worldwide, however, is affected by disruptive snoring and sleep apnea – in more than 30% directly related to a lack of tongue muscle control. Current anti-snore treatments are either based on passive mouthguards or costly custom-made devices, which exhibit poor efficacy and lack scientific validation. Finally, uncomfortable designs, the burden at night and low motivation to change the life-style lead to early drop-out rates as high as 70%. A unique polymer nanotechnology for ultra-thin pressure sensors and stretchable electronics was developed and patented at the University of Basel, Biomaterials Science Center. […]

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