Talking Science workshop

Dear students, PhD students and postdocs,

Do you want to talk about science with other people, in your lab, in other departments or on the streets? Do you feel scientists should communicate their work correctly, and not leave it to the journalists and media?If you’re tired of how science is misrepresented around you, or just want to be able to talk about science conversationally, 

join our workshop and become a skilled communicator.

Learn to communicate your science in an engaging and understandable way. Let’s talk about what really matters to us!
Workshop 1: Friday, August 25th, 2017
Workshop 2: Tuesday, September 12th, 2017
Time: 17h00 to 20h30
Place: Kollegienhaus, Petersplatz 1, Seminarraum 103
Host: BOOST Science Communication, University of Basel
Register at:
Please include your name, research field and affiliation along with the workshop date you would like to attend.

Snacks and drinks will be provided.

Stipendien: „Dream NEW“ -Stipendium und Stipendium für Durchschnittliche

Für Studenten auf Abenteuersuche:

Für das „Dream NEW“-Stipendium werden Weltenbummler gesucht, die gerne ein Auslandssemester in Neuseeland machen möchten. Es werden Stipendien für ein Auslandsemester in Neuseeland im Gesamtwert von 75.000 CHF vergeben:

Zudem ermöglicht das Stipendium für Durchschnittliche durchschnittlichen Studierenden eine Sprachreise in die USA oder Europa inkl. Flug, Unterkunft und 500 USD Taschengeld. Infos zum Stipendium und zur Bewerbung unter:


12.300 alternative Stipendien unter:


MA: NCCR QSIT INSPIRE Potentials – Master Internship Award for female master students

The National Centre of Competence in Research QSIT – Quantum Science and Technology (, a research networks within Switzerland,

is proud to announce the INSPIRE Potentials – Master Internship Award.

This award aims to empower excellent female master students who will conduct their master thesis in a laboratory belonging to the NCCR QSIT network.

The awards each consist of a 6-month 8000 CHF fellowship.
The next application deadline is July 15, 2017.

All information on the INSPIRE Potentials Awards can be found on the website of the NCCR QSIT:—qsit-master-internship-award.html

This award was initiated in close collaboration with the NCCR MARVEL.


PhD proposal CSEM

The objective of the proposed PhD project is to investigate and quantify visual and non-visual effects produced by LED lighting on humans across a wide spectral and photometric parameter space. The proposed research will combine the vast experience and facilities of Professors Cajochen and Scartezzini on the physiological aspects of lighting with those of CSEM in the field of integrated light management solutions for solid-state lighting.

PhD Position: Cascade reaction in giant vesicles

Candidates are invited to apply for a PhD position in the field of nanoscience ay of the University of Basel

In the first step the PhD project has the aim to optimize and further develop the formation of giant vesicles with different block polymers.

In a second important step, the aim is to encapsulate enzymes into the giant polymersomes or other polymersomes/liposomes to get compartmentalized vesicles, as well as the insertion of membrane protein into the artificial polymer membrane to from different kinds of nanoreactors