MA: NCCR QSIT INSPIRE Potentials – Master Internship Award for female master students

The National Centre of Competence in Research QSIT – Quantum Science and Technology (, a research networks within Switzerland,

is proud to announce the INSPIRE Potentials – Master Internship Award.

This award aims to empower excellent female master students who will conduct their master thesis in a laboratory belonging to the NCCR QSIT network.

The awards each consist of a 6-month 8000 CHF fellowship.
The next application deadline is July 15, 2017.

All information on the INSPIRE Potentials Awards can be found on the website of the NCCR QSIT:—qsit-master-internship-award.html

This award was initiated in close collaboration with the NCCR MARVEL.


PhD proposal CSEM

The objective of the proposed PhD project is to investigate and quantify visual and non-visual effects produced by LED lighting on humans across a wide spectral and photometric parameter space. The proposed research will combine the vast experience and facilities of Professors Cajochen and Scartezzini on the physiological aspects of lighting with those of CSEM in the field of integrated light management solutions for solid-state lighting.

PhD Position: Cascade reaction in giant vesicles

Candidates are invited to apply for a PhD position in the field of nanoscience ay of the University of Basel

In the first step the PhD project has the aim to optimize and further develop the formation of giant vesicles with different block polymers.

In a second important step, the aim is to encapsulate enzymes into the giant polymersomes or other polymersomes/liposomes to get compartmentalized vesicles, as well as the insertion of membrane protein into the artificial polymer membrane to from different kinds of nanoreactors

PhD Project at University Basel, Departement Chemie, Group Wolfgang Meier

Project: Cascade reaction in giant vesicles

In the first step the formation of giant vesicles with different block polymers has to be established and optimized. It includes the formation of double emulsion droplets with a microfluidic device to from giant polymersomes, similar to the work already published by Weitz et al.1–4 and the further dewetting process3. There are some informative reviews for further information about droplet microfluidics5–7. During the project, there is also the room for new creative ideas for microfluidic devices.

In a second step, the aim is to encapsulate enzymes into the giant polymersomes or other polymersomes/liposomes to get compartmentalized vesicles, as well as the insertion of membrane protein into the artificial polymer membrane to from different kinds of nanoreactors. The applications are broad, as for example in the field of medical application, energy storage, artificial cells as model system or in material science etc. The direction of the project can be chosen in agreement with your supervisor.


  1. Choi, C. H. et al. Triple Emulsion Drops with An Ultrathin Water Layer: High Encapsulation Efficiency and Enhanced Cargo Retention in Microcapsules. Adv. Mater. 28, 3340–3344 (2016).
  2. Adams, L. L. a. et al. Single step emulsification for the generation of multi-component double emulsions. Soft Matter 8, 10719 (2012).
  3. Shum, H. C. et al. Dewetting-induced membrane formation by adhesion of amphiphile-laden interfaces. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 4420–4426 (2011).
  4. Kim, S.-H. et al. Formation of polymersomes with double bilayers templated by quadruple emulsions. Lab Chip 13, 1351–6 (2013).
  5. Shah, R. K. et al. Designer emulsions using microfluidics. Mater. Today 11, 18–27 (2008).
  6. Datta, S. S. et al. 25th Anniversary Article: Double Emulsion Templated Solid Microcapsules: Mechanics And Controlled Release. Adv. Mater. 26, 2205–2218 (2014).
  7. Martino, C. & DeMello, A. J. Droplet-based microfluidics for artificial cell generation: a brief review. Interface Focus 6, 20160011 (2016).


    For applications please contact

Ausgeschriebene Stellen zum Arbeiten im Weltraumbereich

Im Moment wird die Auswahl der nächsten Swiss National Trainees organisiert, welche bei der ESA für 1-2 Jahre arbeiten können. Diese aktuell offenen Stellen ermöglichen Masterabsolventen aus technischen Studienrichtungen (wie Nanotechnologien) ihre erste Arbeitserfahrung im Raufahrtsbereich zu gewinnen. Sie haben 11 verschiedene Möglichkeiten offen, wobei 3 Personen ausgewählt werden und dann bei der ESA arbeiten können und von der Schweiz angestellt sind. Sie suchen Studenten, welche jetzt den Master abschliessen (oder vor höchstens 3 Jahren den Master abgeschlossen haben) und im Dezember anfangen können zu arbeiten.
Die verschiedenen Ausschreibungen sind auf der Webseite aufgeführt. Eine Beschreibung ist beigefügt.