MA-Ausschreibung: Dissecting cellular uptake mechanisms. A novel pharmaceutical nano drug delivery formulation.

Are you a motivated student who would like to work in an interdisciplinary team of pharmacists, biologists and nanoscientists? Then we are a perfect match for you. We are looking for one (optionally two) master students who will do their work at the department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Group Prof. Dr. Jörg Huwyler in the field of nano-drug delivery.

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DSM technical business course

Dear All,
Every two years DSM holds a technical business course for international top talent called MATCH! This program is an unique opportunity for master and PhD students who will graduate in 2018 to visit some of DSM’s major sites in Europe and learn about their business; with the possibility of getting a job offer at the end of the week. The program will take place from June 17 to June 22, 2018.
We are excited to bring you an information session about this course with previous MATCH! participants and current DSM employees. There will also be time for Q&A and lunch will be provided by DSM.

This information session will be held on Monday the 9th of April, 12:15 – 13:15 in Kleiner Hörsaal PC 4.04.
To find out more about DSM and their MATCH! course, please sign up to the following doodle by Thursday the 5th of April –  so that we have enough food for everyone:

Angebot Projektarbeit bei Straumann Research

Apatite formation and stability of simulated body fluids Project work (3 months) 

Link: Projektarbeit bei Straumann Research 2018

Wettability of dental implants is a key surface property heavily influencing osseointegration, i.e. the integration of implants into the surrounding bone tissue. Typically, implants comprising hydrophilic surfaces show faster osseointegration as compared to their hydrophobic counterparts. Therefore, Straumann SLActive® implants are stored in saline solution in order to maintain a clean (in terms of carbon contamination layer) and thus hydrophilic implant surface and consequently SLActive® implants are known to osseointegrate fast and stable.

This project work aims to further investigate salt-based solutions for implant storage and their impact on apatite formation on the implant surface. The goal is to determine the influence of various factors on the stability of the salt solutions and the precipitation properties on the implant surface.